Μιχάλης Μπούρμπος

Μιχάλης Μπούρμπος

Διευθυντής Πληροφορικής, Δήμος Πειραιά

Michail Bourmpos is the Director of IT for the Municipality of Piraeus. He received his Diploma in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece in 2000. In 2001 he was granted the MSc in Control Systems and in 2002 the MSc in Advanced Computing, both from Imperial College, London, UK.

In 2005 he received an MBA on tecno-economical Systems from the National Technical University of Athens, Greece. He also received a PhD degree on Information Technology and Telecommunications from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, in 2017. He has extensive work experience as a freelancer in managing IT projects.

He has also managed European funded projects under the FP7, ESA and Horizon frameworks. He has been working for the Municipality of Piraeus since 2006 and was appointed Director of information Technology in 2020.